Thursday, June 24, 2010

With all my love and care - Page 1

It all started with the new light born to the face of the world. The twinkle in its eyes is as innocent as if it were a pure presentation of an angel. It truly is a bundle of joy and fills each and every life with smiles and grace. How pleasant to see the infant cry tears of crystal enchantment; its voice is melody and music furnishes the spaces in our hearts. A baby is born.

It is such that a newly born baby is the meaning of innocence. And just as everything in this world is well-planned and well thought of, the baby was granted the peak of innocence with the determination that the infant’s soul would start afresh. Though an innocent infant, stationed within its soul is the quality of love for the very reason that one may be able to learn love in its purest form. Lord gifted the baby the idea of love from the beginning itself.

A baby would never forget its mother’s touch and even in its growing years would crave for her warmth. In fact, it flourishes on her lap and in turn teaches her how to love. Sweet bond, holy bond. The Lord made such beauty as that of a child and gave it yet another beauty, its mother.

She is the new flower with petals so pink, her cheeks like raspberry buds and the rosy hue to her baby lips chuckle charmingly to her old man’s jokes.

There are stars in her eyes as they glisten with tears; baby tears tasting sweet. She is brilliantly soft with a pussy-cat nose and pussy-cat hands and feet. Her voice is like little trinkets that’d make happy the room and her spongy, pink bottom will always be too much to fathom!

For her parents, she will always be that blossoming flower even to the day her cheeks wear the curves of a woman and the rosy hue to her radiant lips would tell her old man his jokes still seemed most fanciful and exciting.

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