Today, I would like to take up with you all the subject that many a times displeases me, and I’m sure displeases many others: filthy public toilets. Being a beautiful world that we live in, it is hard to believe that some don’t have the knack of keeping their surroundings clean. When such people are let lose into public areas, they tend to carry their filth with them.
Habits don’t die. That is the reason why, from the very start, parents try to instill good manners in their sons and daughters. Stubborn ones turn out to be the rebellious farts who, when all put together, set to fight against the environment. Do they not understand the consequences of spitting beetle nut juice all over the pavements? Likewise, they do not understand the disgust in littering the streets or failing to flush the toilet after their job is done.
Either it is sheer laziness that grows into a person’s veins causing negative actions to follow suit or it is determined vengeance against Mother Nature. Whatever said and done, it is up to those few who care; to carry cans of Dettol spray every time they anticipate sour conditions, walking into their office toilets.
What is to be done and who may be the culprit? The problem is that no one owns up to their dirty behavior. The culprits surely make their mark but would die of embarrassment if they were to be found. Then why do it in the first place? After all the pleasure faced in emptying one’s bowels, is it so hard to pull the toilet flush? Such are inconsiderate human beings, selfish in nature and horribly thick in their minds - they couldn’t have walked out thinking their shit didn’t stink.
Let us have a moment of silence. Let us try to focus on why we were put here on this planet. Let us begin to act like civilized human beings before we start calling ourselves the same. Truly, it is the cleanliness of the heart and mind that will ultimately show in substance.
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