Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tales of Lila Goldsmith - Page 1

I cannot tell you how relieved I am. Well, very much so. I was about to make a ridiculous fool of myself but by God’s grace; and it could only be by that; I escaped what would have been an absolute cracker. I got back to my chair, chest heaving from the thought of near blunder, beads of sweat now cooling under the air-con. The tiny hairs on my dark skin stood shocked at what I had just heard and then I decided to breathe.

I’m Lila Goldsmith and I work as an assistant editor at a magazine house, Dune that is famous in all of South London for its Desi monthly issue ‘Hot India’. What is this magazine’s content? What do you think? There are so many Indians in London, I feel right at home.

Will tell you more about myself in a bit. As of now, back to my current situation, palpitation and all. It all started with a little bit of a spark and then a tingle and then my heart exploded. It had been a while since I had felt that way; it’s what happens to women who go too long without a man. I fell for my stuck-up boss, Collin Fisher.

By now my fancy for a gora boss had reached an uncontrollable height but what does one do when the feeling is not mutual? Wait till it is and in the meantime watch sexier women endlessly flirt with the oh-so-sexy boss or move one’s ass and make one’s own moves.

For two years I chose to wait till Collin Fisher saw in me an angel, a woman he could love, wine and dine. I ask myself today, why I couldn’t have been like other women who were a lot more outspoken and on the ball. I am especially referring to Seville Pierre in the Marketing and PR Department. French, tall and a sweet-talker, flirts with the boss all the time. All she has to do is breathe and the boss is on her side, giving her his undivided attention.

‘Two years and here is where it ends!’ I said out loud last evening. I felt confident as I sat in my overly soft corduroy sofa with a cup of tea in hand. No one to threaten me with their tip-top figures, no one to shove their wealth in my face, no one to stage-whisper seductive invitations to the man I had my eyes on. Only a motivating and selfless girlfriend, Tammy by my side.

‘Finally! It’s been two years since you joined Dune and all along I have been hearing you go crazy over a prick of boss that we have. Finally, I see this prick of a boss standing by your side at the altar.’ Tammy said frantically. ‘You telling Collin is a great idea! It was probably my idea for two years straight but it doesn’t matter. What matters now is a sexy dress and 6-inch heels!’ Tammy Bloom is the eccentric sweetheart everyone would want as a friend. I was new at Dune but in a day’s time I felt as though I had been working there for eons.

Jumping off the sofa and barging into my over-flowing closet, Tammy was so very sad to discover that I hadn’t a single sexy outfit that would turn heads. ‘We’re going shopping.’ she said disgusted with the fact that a woman who had no reason to buy sexy clothes had none in her closet.

‘But it’s late and don’t be silly, I’ll figure something out,’ I insisted. I detested having to get out of the house once I had landed on my sofa in pajamas.

‘We have one hour till the shops close!’ and there I was being yanked off my comfort, away into a cab, dragged into Miss Selfridge’s to own an oh-so-sexy dress for my oh-so-sexy boss.

Watch this space for more on Lila Goldsmith

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