Thursday, June 10, 2010

Those lying eyes

Sad eyes. Eyes filled with tears. Eyes that are happy and at the same time sad. Then,there are those eyes that don't look you in the eye out of shame. Those eyes hide behind the glass doors but then again,those are glass doors and our eyes can see those eyes. Those eyes lie.

So when we hugged our friends and bid them farewell, and when we looked them in the eye and smiled a sad smile, there were those eyes that stared dead-straight and smiled a wicked smile. Where went that look of humanity? That which appears when the heart is aching? But that heart didn't ache did it?

Our friends walked with their heads held high, their eyes saw beautiful beginnings and we wished them all the best. We then sat back, all our eyes saying one thing only. I too will one day walk from here,and my eyes will only smile.

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