Thursday, December 17, 2015

The generation wilts away

One by one, they leave us. Our grandparents who lived humble lives, with humble values and great expectations for the generation to come. They believed. In everything that surrounded them, in the eyes of their children and in their own souls filled with only the truth. 

Truly, the grandparents are from a generation ago. One that surely saw its war, hardships, movements. But one that also saw success, beauty and better lives with such innocent eyes and minds. Looking on to all things new, forming deeper bonds with their children, indulging in keener moments with their grandchildren.

Today, they leave us. We are those grandchildren who had the gifted luxury of sharing in our grandparents' lives. A moment spent with them was a moment of prayer from a wise man or woman who looked upon you with nothing but the deepest love.

We hope to meet again. 

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