Thursday, November 19, 2015

One moment away from another repercussion

The world today. On the brink of massive self destruction. Who started what, for the sake of what, what does it matter? Does it matter who and why when the repercussions are the loss of innocents? Repercussions. That's what the torn families, dying families, dying children, bruised souls are. The unwelcome, unintended consequences of the world's recent events.

There are those who have lost their way, all in the name of the Lord. They seek destruction, power through blood, blood-thirsty and relentless in their endeavors to end good life. Repercussions. Torn families march along the refugee line, sound families stay no longer sound, hopes shredded with a blast here and blast there, children sleep because sleep is the only thing they have the freedom to do. Lost a brother, lost a mother, lost a leg. They walk on. Going somewhere, not knowing where. Today, their survival instinct is on an all time high.

Take a war-less place in the world today and hold it close to your heart for it may be at war tomorrow. Find a soul unaffected with war today and tell him you love him for he may be at war tomorrow. Keep your family close, laugh, cuddle and thank the Lord there is no war today.  

The world today. One moment away from another repercussion.

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