Thursday, September 2, 2010

Calm before the storm

This world that we call world, in which we live in, has rage in its core and fire in its belly. The land on which we place our feet, we tread heavily on its grasses and disregard its mud, it will one day rise above us to help us realize its might. We feel we have conquered each soil and work towards conquering its waters for we are humans and it’s in our nature to conquer. We are so consumed with greed that there is no stopping our cranes and procedures.

We face calm before the storm.

The storm will hit when the rivers over-flow. When the heat will be on the rise and the icy mountains melt away. The cloudy blackness over every nation will remind us of our sins and every dog and cat and frog will hide away to safety. And when the breeze turns into winds, those winds will latch onto each and every concrete; howling, they will sweep our souls.

The mountains we blasted to form tunnel-ways, they will be ripped from their lands and be carried away like clouds. Fires will surge the empty lands and every tree will cry massive tears, till floods will sweep into our homes; those homes we cleared out trees to build. Many oceans we have cleared to walk our cattle over, many grounds we have dug up to take from it what was not ours. The gems and oils, the metals and all, there is nothing that we haven’t pondered with.

Considering ourselves to be overtly intelligent beings, how did we miss out on the pure concept of retribution? That day when Mother Nature will speak her will; she will turn her back to all those oppressive centuries we put her through.

Will we slow down? That’s a rhetorical question that deserves a hearty laugh. We are only going to further test our powers. Another hearty laugh. In the end, when each of us will run to save our own lives, when no mother will acknowledge son and no brother will acknowledge his sister, we will be only as significant as ants. This will be our power, when the world we call world will finally give up on us.

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