Tuesday, June 5, 2012

That day I met the gym

The day I met the gym was the day I finally accepted the fact that I started wearing a heaviness that was unbecoming. It was alarming at first, a long moment of denial swept over my skin. And then acceptance that I, at that point in time belonged to the unhealthy, fast-food eating, don’t-care-if-I’m-fat-or-not crowd. Not fat but on the verge of. Not sick but on the verge of. Alarming.

So what I considered to be the most unwelcome chore; I fit my feet into my Nike, grabbed the shuffle and headed to face that chore right in the face.

Day one at the gym, post which I felt a sense of pride at the way my body handled aching muscles, arms and legs. Determination to succeed pushed me to the gym an alternate day later, this time a more rigorous and vigorous work out which, I have a feeling opened up new dimensions for me. It was no longer about just the work out. I regarded this as a shift in life; a calling accompanied by challenging notes.

Setting into a work out regime was not the hardest part. Giving up unhealthy food was. Change in diet, low carbs, exploring oats, fruits and salads was a part of life I hadn’t ever travelled. I decided to walk that direction. And what a lot of discoveries I made along the way. I realized how super exciting it was to enter a store and look for something I may not find. I came to understand there are only a few brands that actually gave a rat’s ass about your health. A whole new shopping experience stared me in the eyes.

A month later, I saw myself sliding into sport stores looking to up my gym wardrobe. You see, I already started to notice my arms and legs shaping up, the love-handles handling themselves away from my waist and my overall gait wearing a confidence. A new pair of gym slacks was well-deserved.

Two months down the line and I feel the gym has become some sort of an obsession. I find myself getting cranky on days I’m not scheduled for a workout; such is a state I would never have imagined myself to be in. My music on the shuffle is updated every once in two weeks, I own two pairs of dumb-bells and I study different work out sets to allow me a shift in gear every time monotony starts setting in. The result each time, I challenge myself to surpass my last level on the tread mill, I push myself to do that extra rep of lunges; I'm always left with a sense of great accomplishment.

The day I met the gym. This was the day my life turned a chapter.

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