She made me cookies! A full box of those gooey, chocolate chippy yums that tend to melt in your mouth so that, for a good few moments, you are unable to part your lips with the fear that some chocolate will dribble out. And God forbid it does dribble out, what a waste of such perfection.
So how did those cookies come to be? Not very easily I must say. My soul-mate aunt, and the name gives it away as to what effect she has on me, was finally flying down to see us all. It being open-house at hers the day before her travel, she had batches of cookies in and out of the oven. There was one box of dough though, that she had kept away with the beautiful and generous intention of baking them for me. After the evening was over and the guests had all left to their respective destinations, soul-mate aunt baked that last batch of cookies. Heard there were about thirty of them that she finally packed up in a cookie tin before she shut eye for the night.
That would have been the box of cookies I received, you would think. But here’s where there was a twist in the story. Throw in her tweenage son, our other tweenage cousin who also happens to be of the male gender and with the two of them put together, a big fat charge of appetite. In the middle of the night when all things evil rise, the two little devils snuck into the kitchen to devour my box of cookies!
Come morning, bright and early, ready to head to the airport in an hour, soul-mate aunt heads for the kitchen to carry the box of cookies she thought she had so proudly managed to save for me. Little did she know of the rats sneaking about her kitchen not too long after her head hit the pillow. Box in hand; she alarmingly realized it felt rather light. Open to see, five cookies apologetically staring back up at her!
A fuming soul-mate aunt and just an hour before they’re all off to the airport, she held the side of her kitchen counter, taking a moment to think of what it is that she should do. Any one of these could have been the answer to her troubles right then – tell her niece that she couldn’t bring her cookies this time, buy some cookies from the bakery on the way to the airport, say she tried and tried but the cookies just wouldn’t turn out right. But may I say, this is soul-mate aunt we’re talking about and with the heart and soul that she is made up of, baking up a fresh batch of cookies from scratch was the only answer out.
That’s right. That’s exactly what she was going to do. So, rolling up her sleeves as though going in for battle, she finally said, ‘now, let’s start with butter.’
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