Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Don’t be afraid of ‘different’

I recently bought these rather weird ladies to place in my living area. When I first saw them I had a smile on my face. And then I thought they would make for great conversation pieces when I had guests over. So I indulged in that little bit of quirky and gave them a roof over their heads. When they arrived home, they sat perfectly over my wooden floors and blended with the rustic look that surrounded them.

Unique is the way to go isn’t it? What can you do different that will bring a smile to people’s faces? Whether it’s something peculiar, or something heartwarming, or even something extraordinarily beautiful, character is what it adds to your home.

Don’t be afraid of ‘different’. Playing it safe is certainly an option and I’m sure that too would be tastefully done. But what’s stopping you from adding a bit of zing and zang in your rooms that will make you salivate every time you pass by? Or your guests for that matter. You may think ‘perhaps that’s not their style’. Well who cares? So long as they define you as someone who does it differently.

As for me, I'm looking at putting up a rustic London Railway Station clock in my home. Will be posting pics, stay tuned :-)

1 comment:

  1. i like the rustic look along with the violin, just adds so much personality to the place. loving the concept of the rustic London watch :). Looking forward to you putting up a pic of it.
