Monday, March 28, 2011

Personal touch, bits and bobs

When I enter my home after a long day at work, the last thing I want is to feel alienated. Maybe I am far from having the perfectly pristine décor that one fishes out from home style magazines, but at the end of the day my home should speak to me, laugh with me and share the same jokes as I do.

Which brings me to the point - how connected are you to your home? Does it reflect your personal touch?

Regarded as a key note in my home tunes, adding a personal touch to your home is something that will differentiate it from the designer ones. That personal touch could radiate from a fetish you have, or with a little help from friends and the media, it could be ignited in your mind as a new fascination. Regardless, a personal touch is your touch - how and where you grab a hold of it, well that’s simply your eye and desire for the finer things in life.

That said, we sometimes face roadblocks - we may sit to daydream of those inspiring shops in the magazines that may be inaccessible to us. Where do we find those cute little things that feed our fascinations? Dropping things into an online shopping cart could be most absurd given shipping charges sometimes exceed the actual product bill!

Let me make it perhaps a tad bit simpler. I’ve got working on a few things that you might like. Stuff that I was way too interested in to rely on costly web shopping and merely drooling over magazines.

I started out being inspired by Grandma’s doilies to designing and beading them together. All thanks to my super talented aunt, she showed me the basics and then there was no stopping me. Beads of different sizes, colors and texture, it all made for a perfect doily that could be used to cover a jug or glass. Here’s your cue to call me if you want some of this :-)

My curiosity for bits and bobs went on further as I picked out little embellishments that could be used against cottage home looks, earthy flavors or rustic moments. Still in the initial stages of designing these tiny fellows, I’ve already started hanging them around my dining chairs and in the kitchen. Here’s your cue to call me if you want some of this :-)

That’s it for now folks.

Until the next Home Story, watch this space.

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