Thursday, October 28, 2010

Full circle

Something I read recently that got me thinking. The words needled my brain and mocked at me while I prepared myself for years of confession. Of course, any form of penitance would only be possible provided I give up the sinful act. This would perhaps be near impossible given the sinful act is bread on my table and butter on the bread.

Let me put it this way, perhaps then, you'll understand my plight.

For years our businesses have pushed brands into the homes of people around the world, promising them the moon and the stars. As marketing progressed and as marketers finally understood the importance of listening to the consumer, listening is what companies started doing. We listened to what the consumer had to say. We picked out from his voice what he wanted or what he aspired to be. What happened next was the evil twist in the story when we tied the consumer's truth to our brand, all in order to sell a product in the market that the consumer actually wanted.

You may wonder, 'what's so evil about that? Aren't we providing the consumer what he wants?' I'll take this opportunity of indulging in the very irritating, answering a question with a question, 'are we?' Does the introduction of blue granules in the tootpaste tube actually result in whiter teeth or were those blue granules introduced to make people believe that they would get whiter teeth?

From preempting consumer wants and producing truthful goods, we moved to knowing consumer wants and marrying that reality to our existing goods. Whether it made absolute sense or not, should I dare to say, a bit of a force-fit most of the time. 

And over the years, the million dollar task evolved to communicating a new and improved product with something, anything, that would  justify our new and improved promise. Sadly and unmistakably, we as marketers and advertising arms have fallen victim to the very addictive, neurotic and rather impressive ways of lying.

Well guess what? Seems that the world's dynamics are shifting and the average folk are beginning to differentiate between real benefit and concocted benefit. Thanks or no thanks; to each one his own, to the rise of social portals and digital media that are connecting people across the world. Very aptly stated in the article I read, 'The ultimate purpose of conversation is to produce a shared understanding of truth.' Today's consumer is informed, aware and careful.

As a result, brands are getting wedged with what's known as the truth gap. And advertising fuels this gap, lengthening it to no end. 'But you said so in the ad!' has clearly become a popular statement.

What is the measure of dissatisfaction we are leaving our consumers with? How much cheaper should the product have been? How much faster should the service have been? How much better were consumers expecting the product or service to be? The closer people get to unraveling the truth gap of each product or service they consume, the bigger the distance they start developing with that brand.

Finally, the sinful act of lying; like in every known case of lies over the centuries, has started catching up with the ones responsible. Marketers are going to now have to pay towards damage control in the aim of making it up to the consumers. Not much fun given this cost would be coming out of the profits earned from lying to people in the first place.

Until later. In the meantime, I've got to figure out the level of guilt sitting within me.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dead little kitty

All very singy in the morning, a nice cup of tea and some quality time spent in getting ready for the day, I left home with a spring in my step. Everything seemed beautiful; the sun was sweetly tucked behind some fluffy, white clouds - the wind was cool and breezy, the initial signs of winter. Driving out to the signal that would then take me to the main highway, I turned up Dire Straits on my Bose for my listening pleasure.

All would have still been beautiful, of course if I had been spared the pathetic sight of a stray cat lying beat up against the pavement. Bloody and tattered, at first it looked like a dirty rag up to no good. But then appeared its form. And then appeared the red, furry coat. Yes, it was definitely a cat, a dead one at that.

Bose turned down, I had million and one thoughts poking my brain. How did it happen? Where was the cat going to? What was the cat thinking? What was the cat's name? Who could hit a cat and leave it by the side of the road? Did that someone have a conscience? Was that someone speeding by? How didn't that someone see a cat on the road? Was that someone attentive at all?

Whatever said and done, my day was no longer pretty. I made it a point to say a little prayer for that cat and all cats whose fates have been such.

Clearly we need more feline help. There are way too many strays roaming the streets and way too many mad men out there, knocking the poor fellows down. This is one place that can be of help to those who come upon an injured kitty I don't think I need to get into the details of what a nice little deed it is to help a helpless being.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The beauty of imperfection

Perhaps there is more to life. There may be a string of opportunities that are yet to be explored; a way of life that is new and lying around to be picked up. How would you know when you are busy spending long hours at work and the rest of the day's hours at home with your perfect husband and perfect kids and perfect kitchen, baking the perfect cake, cooking up a perfect meal for a perfect dinner with the perfect family?

Perfection. This is something in our minds that we are most comfortable with. If you go to see, perfection is actually very subjective. What would be perfect for me would perhaps still be missing the mark for you. For those still searching for perfection, well, they are the ones who are always discovering.

Now, assuming life is perfect. Wouldn't you agree that perfection can be a temporary state of mind. The question then arises, do we always want life to be perfect? Oftentimes and you may have heard, people get bored with their lives. They will for some excitement and drama to boost their spirits and make them feel alive again. This is that time of life when one is willing to open their doors to imperfection. Come on in, imperfection, rock my world!

And that's when the world tilts and dynamics change and novelty bases itself into the vision of the visionaries. May I just add, this could be darn right disruptive and not very pleasing to begin with. After all, it's change and who said change was ever going to be easy? It's for those bold at heart who take imperfection by the balls, stare it in the face and kiss it silly.

Did you not know? They are the driving force in this world.